InvestorFuse Training Videos

Getting Started

Essentials, Pro, Premium

This video will guide you through the important steps to take the first time you sign in to InvestorFuse. This shows you how to configure your notifications, set your signatures, and overall get your account ready so you can start following up with your opportunities.

smrtPhone Integration

All Plans

This will guide you through integrating your smrtPhone account into InvestorFuse and show you the best practices to make the most out of the integration. This is the guide referenced in the video to integrate your smrtPhone account. And this is the one for connecting smrtPhone for texting in InvestorFuse.

 Lead Routing

Essentials, Pro, Premium

Lead Routing is an important subject to cover early on, especially for teams that have 2 or more team members. This setting will ensure that your opportunities are being assigned to the correct people to avoid any issues with opportunities falling through the cracks.


Essentials, Pro, Premium

An introduction to the Opportunities section, this video is meant to inform you of what you can do in this section and how to navigate it.


Essentials, Pro, Premium

Actions is the heart of InvestorFuse. This is your controls on how to move your opportunities through the pipeline and serves as your follow-up reminders so that no opportunities are left behind. Getting used to setting the correct next actions is a must for the system and your team to function.


Essentials, Pro, Premium

This is your automated follow-ups, drips, or follow-up campaigns. A powerful feature that lets you effortlessly stay connected with your sellers. Following up with a seller that is not interested in selling right now? Place them in a sequence so they get texts, emails, mailers, voicemails, and manual phone calls while you are out there talking to sellers who are ready to close.

Opportunity Forms

Essentials, Pro, Premium

This video will walk you through how to customize the fields in your Property Details. You’ll be able to create different forms that have their own set of fields that are specific to that form type. For example, you can create an opportunity form for land deals and instead of beds, baths, etc, you have fields for APN, acres, etc,. You can also create calculation fields that can help you in your process.

Dead Reasons

Essentials, Pro, Premium

Creating Dead Reasons will help you understand why exactly your opportunities are marked dead so you can make informed decisions when formulating action plans.


Pro and Premium

Running a real estate investing firm with a ton of inbound opportunities is complex enough. You need a system that calms the chaos for the whole team.


Pro and Premium

Groups is a great way to stay organized in your team. This will let you separate your opportunities into different “buckets” and keep things nice and clean.


Pro and Premium

Transactions section is where someone like a Transactions Coordinator would live in InvestorFuse. This is where you update the status of your deals and input notes about the transaction file, and closing deals.

More Features

Filter Opportunities By Campaign, Motivation, and Labels
Virtual Wholesalers: See data across ALL MARKETS
Customized Labels/Tags on each Opportunity
Tasks let you create any Additional "To-Do's"
Filter Opportunities By Campaign, Motivation, and Labels
Virtual Wholesalers: See data across ALL MARKETS
Customized Labels/Tags on each Opportunity
Tasks let you create any Additional To-Dos outside the core flow


Pro and Premium

This feature aims to help you be more efficient with your process with the help of automation. Setting up Workflows will let you do multiple things such as sending a text to the seller, sending an email, assigning a task, etc., all at the same time.